Liam Gerner

Liam Gerner

Liam Gerner is a singer, songwriter and guitarist who has lived and worked in Australia, the UK and the USA. He is a members of the bands Pnau and the Vika and Linda Band, and has recorded with many others. He also has a cycle-powered stage and is a committed environmentalist. Liam recently put his bank on notice, saying:

We are not worth what’s in our bank accounts, we’re only worth what we pass on to the next generation, and they don’t need shares in environment destroying companies, they need the environment. I believe this cause is a great way to control the damage our money can have when we entrust it in banks.

Take action

Where is your super invested?

Fight climate crime with SS URL

Put your bank on notice

MF Bank on Notice SM Graphic v01(1)

Is your bank funding fossil fuels?

Banks comparison table graphic

Sign the open letter

Open letter signatories